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IT-203 Computer Organization and Assembly Language | PU Past Papers

IT-203 Computer Organization and Assembly Language | PU Past Papers
IT-203 Computer Organization and Assembly Language | PU Past Papers

 IT-203 Computer Organization and Assembly Language | 

PU Past Papers

3rd Semester Past Papers|Past Papers Solution

 Text Book 

  • Barry B. Brrey, The Intel Microprocessors 8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80386, 80486, 
  • Pentium and Pentium Pro Processor, ISBN-10: 0139954082 
  • Kip R. Irvine, Assembly Language for Intel Based Computers, Third Edition, 1999, Prentice￾Hall Publishing, 1999, ISBN-10: 0132383101 

Reference Material 

  • • Assembly Language Reference by Que. Corporation. 
  • • I Scott Mackenzie, 8051 Micro-controller Programming, 3rd Edition, ISBN-10: 
  • 0137800088

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