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How DNS works with naming directory? | Network Management and Administration


How DNS works with naming directory
How DNS works with naming directory

Topic: How DNS works with naming directory?

The Domain Name System (DNS) is a central part of the internet that providing a way to match names to numbers. Anything connected to the internet it may be any device laptops, tablets, mobile phones, websites it must has an Internet Protocol (IP) address made up of numbers. Your favorite website might have an IP address like, but this is obviously not easy to remember. However, a domain name such as mywebsite.com is a simply remember name for human. DNS check domain names with IP addresses enabling humans to use memorable domain names in other hand computers on the internet can use IP addresses for searching. And Both are almost same things but first is for human and second Like IP is for computer or any device that connected to internet.

The Domain Name System DNS directory that matches name to numbers which are located in single on internet. With more than 332 million domain names listed at the end of 2017. Like the internet itself, the directory is distributed around the world, stored on domain name servers that all communicate with each other on a very regular basis to provide updates and redundancies.

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